Fewer words, fewer problems

Show of hands: As a reader, who thinks long copy is good copy? Chances are not many hands are up right now. So why do so many writers tend to drone on (and on, and on) before making their point?

  • data driven storytelling marketing communications

The Millennial Tightrope

As an employer, you may have had a negative experience employing a millennial in the past. You may even have a millennial child, niece, or nephew whom you roll your eyes at, and whose behavior discourages you from hiring us. You have reasons to be guarded; we often question authority, or feel that we are suited for leadership. We learn systems and technology at a speed that surpasses the technology itself, and we have high standards for it.

Down to a Science: How a Copywriter Can Grasp and Write About Your Complex Topic

From small businesses to large corporations, everyone has information to share. Regardless of how it’s distributed, to be effective, it needs to be well-communicated—captivating, accurate and articulate. Copywriters help businesses and organizations achieve this. Sometimes all it takes is one great line that packs a punch. Other times, the audience needs more explanation and detail. That’s where I come in.

Finding great copywriters is the hardest part

You see, writers are nice. And funny. They’re self-effacing, well-read and can discuss education, death, politics, gardening, existential angst or whatever else is on your mind. They all speak English really well. I wish all of them the best, but I am uncompromising about what we look for at WordsFresh.

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