Less perfection, more connection this Thanksgiving

Vol. 4, Edition 2, November 2023

Dear friends:

The first time I hosted Thanksgiving dinner, I planned to serve two showstopper turkeys. I shopped, prepped, cooked, made crafty table decorations and rearranged three rooms of furniture so everyone could sit at one long table.

Everything had to be perfect.

As dinnertime neared, the unmistakable aroma of celery and onions cooking in savory juices filled the house. The turkey in the regular oven was beautiful, with glistening brown skin just like the recipe picture.

Then, I lifted the lid on the second turkey, which was in a portable electric oven. My stomach sank. That pale bird wasn’t going to make the finish line. The oven had tripped a breaker, and it wouldn’t be done for hours.

This holiday isn’t about me being perfect. Or you.

It’s about how the family good-naturedly squeezed into their rickety folding chairs at the overcrowded table. It’s about how they each took just a speck of turkey so there was enough to go around. It’s about how they all bowed their heads. And said thanks.

Whether you’re roasting turkeys or bringing the chips, I wish you the very best of this gloriously imperfect holiday.

Oh, and be sure to check the breaker.

Mary Pat Nimon

Mary Pat Nimon



idea one

Join us at our table


Nowadays, most of the WordsFresh team works remotely. We use our cheerful office for client and internal meetings, monthly team breakfasts and the occasional happy hour.

Earlier this year, we reconfigured the office to fit our post-pandemic working style. Some things stayed (vintage typewriters, because they make us happy). Some things had to go (standing desks, because we’ve moved on).

We added the kind of big ol’ gathering table that might make Thanksgiving dinner easier if you could fit it through the front door.

Open Grain Woodwork in Louisville designed and built the yummy new hardwood table just for us. Their craftsmen granted our every wish, including making it extra wide, staining it to match a nearby wall, installing recessed wire boxes and using table legs that don’t hit your knees.

Those on-brand orange leaves in the corners? That was their idea.

Sometimes an off-site, in-person meeting is just what your team needs. We humbly offer our space to friends of WordsFresh free of charge, even if we’re not attending the meeting.

Well, maybe we’re not exactly humble. It’s a pretty amazing table.


idea two

What to do with (content) leftovers


Let’s see now, what’s in the back of the fridge …?

It’s been a busy year, and you’ve probably led, created or directed a wide range of projects for your company.

Webinars, videos, blogs, emails, instructional sheets, executive presentations, social posts, trade shows, speeches, learning modules, PowerPoints … it’s a cornucopia of content.

Don’t let that good stuff grow moldy.

Repurpose those leftovers to get even more from your investment and keep driving toward your goals.

Depending on what’s in your Tupperware, you could:

  • Edit webinar content into bite-sized videos for sales pitches
  • Mine videos and blogs for tidbits you can spin into social content
  • Turn instructional sheets into helpful emails to customers
  • Use learning modules as part of a unified employee onboarding experience
  • Dive deep into executive presentations to find gems for employee communications
  • Repurpose trade show materials into sales collateral

Not all leftovers are created equal, and not everyone can turn them into a banquet.

But imagine what our strategic writers could help you do when they bring the latest AI tools to your content.

We can make even leftovers special. So let us know if you want to talk turkey.


idea three

Invite more people in


If you’re having trouble finding the right people for the job, approach your talent acquisition challenges as you would go about setting your holiday table.

It’s about more than just filling seats. You want to find people you’ll enjoy spending time with, people who bring something special to the table.

Right now, you can start creating a space where people feel at home with these tips on writing for inclusion.


Grateful hearts


Less perfection, more connection this Thanksgiving

Vol. 4, Edition 2, November 2023

Dear friends:

The first time I hosted Thanksgiving dinner, I planned to serve two showstopper turkeys. I shopped, prepped, cooked, made crafty table decorations and rearranged three rooms of furniture so everyone could sit at one long table.

Everything had to be perfect.

As dinnertime neared, the unmistakable aroma of celery and onions cooking in savory juices filled the house. The turkey in the regular oven was beautiful, with glistening brown skin just like the recipe picture.

Then, I lifted the lid on the second turkey, which was in a portable electric oven. My stomach sank. That pale bird wasn’t going to make the finish line. The oven had tripped a breaker, and it wouldn’t be done for hours.

This holiday isn’t about me being perfect. Or you.

It’s about how the family good-naturedly squeezed into their rickety folding chairs at the overcrowded table. It’s about how they each took just a speck of turkey so there was enough to go around. It’s about how they all bowed their heads. And said thanks.

Whether you’re roasting turkeys or bringing the chips, I wish you the very best of this gloriously imperfect holiday.

Oh, and be sure to check the breaker.

Mary Pat Nimon

Mary Pat Nimon



idea one

Join us at our table



Nowadays, most of the WordsFresh team works remotely. We use our cheerful office for client and internal meetings, monthly team breakfasts and the occasional happy hour.

Earlier this year, we reconfigured the office to fit our post-pandemic working style. Some things stayed (vintage typewriters, because they make us happy). Some things had to go (standing desks, because we’ve moved on).

We added the kind of big ol’ gathering table that might make Thanksgiving dinner easier if you could fit it through the front door.

Open Grain Woodwork in Louisville designed and built the yummy new hardwood table just for us. Their craftsmen granted our every wish, including making it extra wide, staining it to match a nearby wall, installing recessed wire boxes and using table legs that don’t hit your knees.

Those on-brand orange leaves in the corners? That was their idea.

Sometimes an off-site, in-person meeting is just what your team needs. We humbly offer our space to friends of WordsFresh free of charge, even if we’re not attending the meeting.

Well, maybe we’re not exactly humble. It’s a pretty amazing table.


idea two

What to do with (content) leftovers


Let’s see now, what’s in the back of the fridge …?

It’s been a busy year, and you’ve probably led, created or directed a wide range of projects for your company.

Webinars, videos, blogs, emails, instructional sheets, executive presentations, social posts, trade shows, speeches, learning modules, PowerPoints … it’s a cornucopia of content.

Don’t let that good stuff grow moldy.

Repurpose those leftovers to get even more from your investment and keep driving toward your goals.

Depending on what’s in your Tupperware, you could:

  • Edit webinar content into bite-sized videos for sales pitches
  • Mine videos and blogs for tidbits you can spin into social content
  • Turn instructional sheets into helpful emails to customers
  • Use learning modules as part of a unified employee onboarding experience
  • Dive deep into executive presentations to find gems for employee communications
  • Repurpose trade show materials into sales collateral

Not all leftovers are created equal, and not everyone can turn them into a banquet.

But imagine what our strategic writers could help you do when they bring the latest AI tools to your content.

We can make even leftovers special. So let us know if you want to talk turkey.


idea three

Invite more people in

If you’re having trouble finding the right people for the job, approach your talent acquisition challenges as you would go about setting your holiday table.

It’s about more than just filling seats. You want to find people you’ll enjoy spending time with, people who bring something special to the table.

Right now, you can start creating a space where people feel at home with these tips on writing for inclusion.


Grateful hearts



Three fresh ideas (and a meme)

Our monthly take on today’s marketing and communications topics… and a little fun, too.